Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Gnomon Cross

Man has long relied on the sun for life and
what powers our light when it's not around,
it's stored energy from times past.

With increasing populations our ancestors
more than ever depended upon their crops
and so it became vital for these emerging
city states that they had a good growing season.

And so it was that man became so engrossed
on the seasons and the giant glowing orb in the sky,
Flying daily over their heads, east to west.

The was always a mark of time but marking of
the day had to wait for the sundial. A stick would
of been the first likely candidate to of had marks made
around it, onward and upwards to their symbolic staffs
and giant needles or obelisk.

The Egyptian shadow clock would come to contend this
role however. It had a length of base as with 6 markers,
a raised piece at one upon which lay a cross bar.

The shadow clock was aimed towards the East in the
morning and turned at noon to face West. With seasons
giving various readings more accuracy could of been had
if a Merkhet, line of sight instrument found the Pole Star
to which an etched mark could of been made with which
to the cross bar could of swung around on.


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