Sunday, May 28, 2006

Squaring The Circle

The circle, the sun's circle was to take on special powers.
To be as the Sun God was to be as perfect as you could be.

So what if there were some special magical measurements to
go with the circle. Might not the religious elders hold more power?
At various time we know that those who were great
mathematicians could also become cult leaders.

For the ancients it seems counting started on their fingers.
From this they would have base 10. Counting their phalanges
they would find the number 12 on four fingers, adding the
thumb would give you 14 and a bit. Both hands would add
up to 28 and two bits. Close enough you might think to the
a synodic month. However for ease the cue from the moon
seems to of been taken from it's half line, first quarter or
semi circle shape. This comfortable 14 days added up to 28
days and moon calendar were not to agree with the season
for very long, the seasons needing a solar calendar.

Drawing two triangles, one facing up, another over it but
facing down gave them the Hexagon. 6 Sides or Vertices
and half of the fingers phalanges on one hand. Draw another
hexagon over the first but slightly clockwise and you have
24 sides/vertices or all the phalanges on you fingers.

If we count round the vertices of the Hexagon we get 6.
Divide these sides into 10s, our fingers, to figure at the
top now reads 60. If we now count round the vertices
of the hexagon in 60s we arrive at the top with 360.

It is from these, perhaps counter engineered, Sumerian
numbers that we have today's division in time of 60
minutes and 60 seconds.


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