Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bede's Canonical Hours

Bede's canonical hours ...

Well yes Bede is the one who declared at
which hour prays should be said.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Zodiac Jesus

Stowe's Bible Astrology: The Bible Founded
on Astrology
makes the argument that Jesus is the
sun and his life's
story a parable of the sun's journey
around the zodiac, much more improved upon than
Ra's day sky boat.
In fact the Jesus story is on the end
of a long line of redrafts,
updates and additions.

We also have Arthur Findlay's history and the
Jesus mysteries etc, where they
claim Jesus was a simple
sun god like so many before him.
Now there is really no
need to wave arms in the air because
in the later book we
are told as to have Jesus lives a similar
life to Jesus which
puts him on a par with the old Genesis
story as one in a long
line of many. The bible having many layers of sun god stories.

This seems to some early pagan attempt at
their calendar for the average person
who couldn't read.

The involvement of the second coming promise may
be confused with the next day, the next year or the
next zodiac period. We know Mark was thought of
as the second book and so an added ending didn't
matter but considering it originally ended with Jesus's
body only originally being missing seems when combined
with Mark being the first book and that the other gospels
took their inspiration from it now looks to say the least, odd

We can therefore surmise that this rising, only to wander
about a bit before going to heaven in some foggy haze, to
be symptom of the religious arms race of the day but where
the zodiac Jesus would have to start again with the new year.

Friday, June 02, 2006


With regard to time in creation myths, that were around
the Genesis book of the bible it should be remembered
that it
was the Egyptians that separated the day and night,
time wise and the Babylonians who had the 7 days week.

Genesis not only writes of the world being created in 7
days though, we know that with the Sabbath it is down
as the Christian Sunday as a day to worship.
Not only was this 7 days created in pagan times we
still have the days of week named after gods,
the wandering stars of pagan astrology.

The moon, moonth, had a 29 days shadow spin
but with daylight a 28 day good look. But this
broke down into 7 days and the ancients didn't
have 7 fingers and you couldn't construct it
easily from triangles, so it seems it went down
as unlucky and they let god have it and they downed
tools as a safety measure.

The Jews will argue that Genesis was written
after Egypt, so the Egyptian 7 days would be
fresh in their minds. Or as others say, Genesis
was written at the time of a more settled Jewish
state, then it borrowed from various ancients around
at the time who been using the 7 days week.

Now there are many long lived people in Genesis
but here we should note that the Egyptians called their
months, years. And so rather than anything great
happening, we only have another misrepresentation
of history.


The pentagram first seems to have appeared on cave walls and
it may of been used by various cults in pre-history.

Its association with Pythagoras in 500 BC is well
documented. He used it to make himself some super
math leader in his own cult.

If the Hexagon was to represent the Sun, then the pentagram
was to represent mankind. The five pointed star would be
worn by early Christians before they latched onto the cross.
It was to represent the five wounds of Christ. Later would
also find association by of the Trinity according to Brewers.
The three triangles that make up the pentagram being
the Trinity.

The Trinity as opposed to Duality and Unity was to be
the Father the Son and the Holy ghost. This too though
can be found back in Egypt where the stages of the day
were divided up into the father and son. A god for every
occasion the ghost could fittingly equal life in the underworld.

The Pentagram's points were to have 5 planets placed on the
outside of it as people tried to tie in maths with the greater world.
As more planets came along they would be attached to the outskirts
of more shapes.

Later the shape of man was to be attached to the five points,
limbs and head. The five points are also equal the extremities on
one hand and it should be considered that ten fingers or two
pentagrams would equal one sixth of a hexagon that makes up
our 60 minutes.

The Pentagon inside the Hexagon. Man encircled by the Sun,
the Sun's orbit. 3, 4, 5, 6, sides and so forth. It would seem
the perfect sun and stars were to be associated with even
numbers while mankind was to be dealt the odd numbers.
Except when the wandering planets added up to an odd number.

It seems the Romans were to represent 5 as a V, most
likely to save space in notation but maybe they were also
drawing on earlier instances. Perhaps V had special powers.
Perhaps the ancients had given special meaning to mankind's
opposable thumb.